Delete ACMarket app on Android

You can uninstall the ACMarket app from your Android phone or tablet by using the following methods.

remove 3rd party apps

Tip: You can use these exact methods to delete any 3rd party app installed on your phone.

Remove from the app drawer

This is the easiest way to get rid of an app from your smartphone or tablet. But keep in mind this method only works for devices runs on Android 8.1 or higher. If your device runs on an older Android, use the method: delete from settings.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, touch and hold the ACMarket app.
  2. From the pop-up menu, select the option Uninstall. option window
  3. Click OK to the confirmation: Do you want to uninstall this app?

Delete in settings

Using this method, you can remove any app from any Android version.

  1. Open your Android device’s Settings app.
  2. Click on Apps or Application manager.
  3. Tap the ACMarket app to see App info. If you don’t see it, set the filter to All or See all apps.
  4. Tap Uninstall to remove it.

Fix problems with ACMarket app

Uninstalling and reinstalling the ACMarket app can fix most problems you face with updates, connection errors, or parsing errors.

Learn more

Learn how to fix any other errors related to the AC Market app.

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